DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids


DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

Are you looking for an indoor seed starter gardening project for kids? If so, check out this simple solution. With just a few easy supplies, your little one can plant and grow their own seeds, right from inside your home.

DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

If you’re finding yourself spending a little more time indoors, why not have the kiddos tackle this fun project? It’s a great way to teach them how to start and plant a seed and then they’ll have something to tend to during the days as well.

Plus, when they start to see the seeds sprout, it’s such an exciting time. They’ll have a sense of pride and accomplishment that’ll carry over into their day.

This is such a  fun little gardening project you can do with the kiddos at home. Once they get the hang of it, they just might want to turn their green thumb into something bigger.

Brainstorm on ways that your children can learn from this to help plant an even bigger garden in your outdoor space.

Materials needed for this gardening project for kids:

  • 1 LARGE Egg carton
  • Potting Soil
  • 12 half lemon rinds
  • Mini bamboo Sticks
  • Mini shovel/spoon
  • Scissors 
  • Pen
  • Seeds

DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

How to make this indoor seed starting kit:

During the week collect your lemon rinds (or lime/orange rinds work too) and keep them submerged in water in the refrigerator to prevent them from rotting. Once you’ve collected the sufficient amount of rinds you’re ready to start your project.

Cut the top and closing flap off of your egg carton leaving only the bottom egg cells.

DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

Insert one ½  lemon (lime/orange) rind into each egg cell of the carton. They should fit nice and snug.

DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

Fill each rind with a good helping of potting mix.

DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

Write the names of the plants on the mini bamboo sticks.

DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

Put in your seeds, top with extra soil and water.

Insert the bamboo sticks into their designated areas.

DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

Put your Seed Starter Kit near a light source to allow it to grow until your garden is ready to receive the plants.

When you’re ready to move your seedlings outdoors, simply plant directly into the ground, the rind will naturally decompose. 

DIY Lemon Seed Starter Gardening Project for Kids

DON’T FORGET TO WATER THEM REGULARLY! Make certain to remind the kids to water them and let the seeds get their needed daily dose of sunshine. 

Like this simple activity for kids? Check out some other fun ideas here:


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