Save Money by Winterizing Your Home
The cold weather in the winter months can wreak havoc on your home and your wallet if you don’t properly prepare beforehand. This fall, Save Money by Winterizing Your Home early. You’ll be happy you did when your home stays warm and cozy all season long.
Reverse Your Ceiling Fans
While fans running counterclockwise will produce a cooling breeze, running your fans in a clockwise direction will actually make the room warmer. By switching the direction your fan runs, you’ll allow it to pull the warm air pooled at your ceiling down into your living space, making the room warmer with the flip of a switch. Allowing your fan to redirect this warm air will help your furnace work a little less – saving you some money on your energy bill each month.
Block Your Drafts
Drafts in your home can waste a ton of energy. Before the weather gets cold, it’s a good idea to test your windows and doors for drafts and stop the cold air from coming into your home. To find where a draft is coming from, light a candle and move it around the frame of your windows and doors. If the flame flickers or goes out, you have a draft in that spot. Seal the area around your windows and door frames with caulk to keep the cold air outside. If the bottoms of your exterior doors are letting in a draft, place a rolled up towel or draft snake along the bottom of the door to block the outside air.
You can also purchase door draft stoppers. These are great for exterior doors!
Insulate Your Windows
If caulk doesn’t do the trick around your windows, it may be a good idea to use a window insulation kit to add an extra barrier against the cold. Window insulation kits use plastic sheeting around your windows to help your home hold in heat, and when installed correctly, they’re basically invisible. Window insulation kits can be purchased at your local hardware store and are a simple DIY project you can tackle on your own.
Protect Your Water Lines
Getting your home ready for winter means protecting your waterlines from the freezing conditions to come. Start by draining all your outdoor hoses and shutting off valves to your home’s outdoor water spigots. Next, check for leaks in your water lines and repair them before the cold weather hits. Finally, if your faucets are served by outdoor water lines, be sure to let cold water drip from the faucet throughout the night to ensure water is continually flowing through the line.
Get a Tune-Up
Your furnace is an essential piece of your home during the winter months, so properly maintaining it before winter hits can be beneficial. A HVAC technician will take the time to check your system to make sure everything is in working order, repair any broken components, and clean the unit before you use it. Keeping your furnace clean and properly adjusted will ensure that it keeps running throughout the harsh winter months – keeping your family warm when it’s cold outside.