Simple Ways to Teach Kids About Time Management


Even as adults, time management is something that we are constantly improving on. It’s amazing to think about the fact that each and every day is entirely structured around appointments, meetings, and our ability to stay on track and on time.

At times, time management can be a bit overwhelming no matter how many times we’ve practiced. If we have those feelings as adults, just think about how your kids may view the importance of finding a good balance between life and time management.

While it is a skill that each and every one of us needs to learn, it’s extremely important to start at an early age to teach our kids about the importance of time management. If you are looking for a few tips to help do just that, you’ve come to the right place to get some super stellar time management ideas.

Simple ways to teach kids about time management

  • Lead by example. When it comes to teaching your kids about time management, more than likely you are going to be their best teacher. If you do a great job of balancing your time and your day, then they will see that and mimic it as well. The more that you show them proper time management skills, the more good examples that they will have to follow.
  • Give them set times to do tasks. More times than not, we may tell our kids that they need to spend the next 10 minutes cleaning up their room but then fail to set the timer to let them see just how long those 10 minutes are. If you are expecting your child to master the skill of time management, it’s important to show them just how long those moments are. Setting a timer while they do housework, schoolwork or brushing teeth is a great way for them to understand the balance of time and their required chores. Having an external clock for them to balance with their internal clock can be a truly effective way to help with their time management skills.
  • Don’t overcrowd their day. For your kids to understand time management, it’s important to not make them feel rushed. In the beginning, simply having them manage their day and their time on one or two simple tasks is more than enough to help them get an idea of the importance of balancing time and activities throughout the day. If you add too many variables too early, there is a good chance that your child may feel overwhelmed and miss the entire point of learning about time management altogether. Start small and add as you go. It’s a much better overall experience for you and your child.
  • Teach your child to plan ahead. While none of us have a crystal ball showing exactly what the next day or week will hold, there are certain variables that we know about and can prepare accordingly for. Think of a few things that your child does each and every day no matter what. Waking up on time for school, getting dressed, brushing teeth…all great examples of activities that require time management skills that happen almost each and every day. If you can teach your little ones to get into a habit of always making certain to factor in this everyday items before anything else, it will help them get a good grasp on solid time management skills for their future as well.

When it comes to teaching your child time management skills that will aid them in their future, there are a ton of different options out there to make it easier for them. Think about incorporating a few of the strategies above and give them time to acclimate and adjust their daily schedule. Once they get into a routine of the same thing for a few weeks, they will have developed a solid understanding of good time management skills. And once you have planted that strong foundation, it’s something that they will build on for their entire life.

Fun Tools to Help Your Kids Be On Time

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