Must Read Money-Saving Books!
We all like to save money. With so many resources out there, it can be hard to narrow down which money-saving path that one should take. However one chooses to save money, it comes down to what your ultimate money-saving goal is. Think about how much money you are wanting to save, and then think about how you plan to use that money. The choice is ultimately up to you in whatever route you decide.
Saving money is a win-win no matter how it’s boiled down. Some people save for the short term expenses, some people save for the long goal of retirement. Others just save for emergency situations to be prepared. The beauty of saving is that we all have our own ways of doing it but with the same end goal. To save as much money as possible, in the shortest amount of time possible. If you’ve been saving for a while, or are just starting into the savings realm, it can be a bumpy ride at times. The great thing is that there are some awesome resources available to help you along the way with any type of savings question that may arise.
Here are the 10 Must Read Money-Saving Books for anyone looking to save some dough. The cool part is, most are available at your local library!
- The Total Money Makeover. There’s a reason it’s ranked as a #1 best-seller on Amazon. This book and program really drive it home. It talks about the importance of staying out of debt, paying with cash and gives steps of how to help make it all happen.
- How to Save Money: A 21-Day Challenge to Save $500/Month. A great read about common sense ways to start saving money. A good start for someone starting out in the savings game or maybe a nice refresher for someone who needs a little bit of reminding.
- The Smartest Money Book You’ll Ever Need: Everything you need to know about Growing, Spending, and Enjoying your Money. Another great starter book that dives into more details about debt management, possible investments and all things money related.
- The Everything Budgeting Book: Practical Advice for Saving and Managing your Money. Full of great ideas on different ways to budget money and stop living paycheck-to-paycheck. Start being able to prepare for your future savings with some of the tips that you may learn from this book.
- How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck. Learn how to build up an emergency fund and hold yourself accountable for your spending habits. A great motivational read to get your spending habits on track.
- The Minimalist Budget: A Practical Guide on How to Save Money, Spend Less and Live More with a Minimalist Lifestyle. This book focuses in on the broader term of a budget. “Budget” in the overall life aspect and how it affects more than just your finances but also your emotions and even behavioral patterns. If you are intrigued by the minimalist lifestyle, this may be the book for you.
- How to Budget: A Guide for Beginners. Learn all about budget management with this book. It breaks it down in an easy to understand guide for all.
- How to Manage Your Money When You Don’t Have Any. A quick read full of real-life examples from an author who walks the walk.
- How to Turn $100 into $1,00,000,000: Earn! Save! Invest! Who says all money books have to be for adults? Kids can start learning at a young age that saving money is important as well. This book caters to the younger crowd and is full of concepts to help understand the importance of saving money and being financially savvy.
- The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens: 8 Steps to Having More Money Than Your Parents Ever Dreamed Of. This book helps pave the savings road for teens. Full of tips to save cash and to start investing, your teen may start earning more money than you in no time.
Saving money depends truly on how you decide you want to save money. Ask yourself the question of what your end goal is and how you want to arrive there, and then plan accordingly. Maybe a few of the book suggestions listed above can help you arrive at your final financial goal, but if not, just know that there are a ton of different resources out there that are available. There’s no time like the present to start saving that money.