Getting healthy can be expensive, and these Ways To Save On Exercise With The Best Fitness Apps can help you to manage a great workout routine without spending a fortune!
You can use our tips for ways to save on a gym membership alongside these FREE fitness apps to make your health even better!
Ways To Save On Exercise With The Best Fitness Apps
Use a free fitness app instead of a pricey fitness wristband. There are multiple popular fitness bands or products to wear on your person to count your steps, count your calories and help you keep track of your goals. These same things can be found using a smartphone app. While they will not always be as accurate, they are close enough when used as directed to help you meet your fitness goals without extra expenses. Most free fitness apps can give you everything you need to count steps, calculate calories, keep track of goals and even connect with others for free.
Get free accountability via an app instead of a paid group meeting. If money is tight, then using one of the best fitness apps that is free can help you find groups to chat and share for free or a much lower cost. There are multiple apps that have forums and chat groups which offer you support and accountability without a large monthly fee.
Have recipes and health tips messaged daily via one of the free best fitness apps. Some of the best fitness apps listed below have an option to receive daily health tips or recipes via text message or email. This can be a great way to help you plan your menu plan each week on a budget. Not only will you have healthy options, you won’t be paying for pricey menu plans through a service.
Our Favorite FREE Fitness Apps:
GO HERE to learn more about the app!
My Fitness Pal: By far, My Fitness Pal is one of the most widely used fitness apps. It is an excellent calorie counter and with various groups available for accountability, it can be a great tool for your health and fitness. I use this to calculate recipes, check calories on items when I am out to eat, and as a food journal throughout the day.
GO HERE to learn more about the app!
Map My Fitness: If you are concerned about how many steps you are taking or miles you are moving each day, this is one of the best apps to use. Map My Fitness is a popular app used by everyday people as well as those who are training for marathons or 5k’s.
GO HERE to learn more about the app!
Let’s WOD: The Crossfit phenomenon has been hugely popular the last few years, and the WOD (workout of the day) is a term that is used widely. This app gives you a daily WOD without having to be a part of a local Crossfit group. It’s a great free way to have a different workout every day.
GO HERE to learn more about the app!
C25K: The Couch To 5K program is hugely popular, and for good reason. It helps you begin moving each day to get your body back in condition for a 5K. Whether you plan to walk or run a race doesn’t really matter. The main thing is this plan helps you to get moving in increments that are doable each day for even those with the most sedentary lifestyle.
GO HERE to learn more about the app!
These ways to save on exercise with the best fitness apps will help you reach all of your exercise and weight loss goals this year while staying in budget!
What are your favorite fitness apps to use for your health?