Best Store Credit Cards
Credit cards, when used properly, can help you save on just about anything. The trick is you have to pay them off to not waste money on interest fees.
If you are good at paying off monthly (or within the interest-free period), there are actually a few store credit cards that are fantastic to help you save money on the things you need every day.
Here are Best Store Credit Cards…
FANTASTIC card and one of my favorites. They release Kohl’s promo codes all the times to get 30% off clothing, house goods, and more. Plus you can usually get free shipping too.
You get exclusive savings, a gift on your anniversary and more. Plus this card makes is SUPER easy to keep up with Kohl’s cash and purchases. Everything is loaded to the card so you always have it available!
Sign up today and get an extra 35% off your first purchase too!
Another of my favorites – we saved a ton during out last renovation. You get an automatic 5% off ANY purchase. You can also choose 6 months of interest-free financing on any purchase over $299. You also get free shipping on ANY online purchase as well. The savings or interest-free financing is great for appliances and other large purchases that can pop up.
They also offer up to FIVE years of interest-free financing on large home improvement purchases over a certain amount. The amount varies so make sure to watch for signs in store. There is also special financing for carpet installs as well.
FYI – you can’t combine the 5% credit discount with the 10% military discount but you CAN combine the 6 months interest free financing with the 10% military discount!
Amazon Prime Rewards Visa Signature Card
Another of my favorites. ALL of my Amazon purchases go on this card so I get an automatic 5% cash back. Set it up to pay in full every month and it’s just like paying cash for your Amazon purchases but your getting 5% off everything. You can get 5% back at Whole Foods too!
There is also an Amazon Prime Store Card that offers special financing on orders over $149 and easy payment plans. The Visa can be used anywhere, the store card can only be used at Amazon.
BOTH are great to have during Amazon Prime events because they offer special savings on each. If you shop at Amazon a lot, both are worth having. You will need an Amazon Prime Membership to get this one!
Target REDCard
Target Circle Card is a little unique. You can actually get a debit card that links to your banking account so you are getting all of the benefits of a credit card without actually getting another credit card. They offering 5% off everyday, free shipping at, extended returns, and more.
I actually don’t have this one but I know many that do and love it. If you shop at the GAP fleet of stores this can get you huge savings.
Earn 5 points for every $1 spent at Gap brands, in-store or online, and 1 point per dollar spent elsewhere. Extra 10% off every time you shop at Gap and Gap Factory stores, plus opportunities to earn more loyalty benefits. They also have several cardholder only events throughout the year. For example, cardholders get early access to the $1 flip flop sale!
All benefits are valid for Gap, Banana Republic, Athleta, and Old Navy. One reason this card is so great!
NOTE – None of the cards we recommend have an annual fee either!