Always Have Gifts on Hand with a Gift Closet or Gift Stash

gift stash

Gift giving can be fun, but it can become expensive very quickly if you’re not careful. One of the best ways to save on gift is to build your own personal gift stash throughout the year. That way when you need a gift, you have one ready to go!

Simply find a spot in your house where you can hide gifts and add to it when you find things you think people will like super cheap. One great way to find gifts is to use the SwagGrabber Amazon Steals section. These are Amazon deals that are marked up to 90% off make it easy to find gifts that are deeply discounted. You can easily fill your gift closet with the deals we post daily!

Here are some other ways to fill up your gift closet…

Scout the Clearance Aisle

One of the best places to pick up gifts for your stash is to keep an eye on the clearance sections in your favorite stores. Picture frames, scarves, belts, and jewelry are easy to store and make great gifts. If you have a climate controlled storage area you’ll also be able to shop for candles, lotions, and perfumes to add to your stash. Skip any perishable or super fragile items as they won’t hold up for the long haul.  Post-holiday sales are the best since they often have up to 90% off original prices.

Take Advantage of Buy-One-Get-One Specials

Does your grocery store or pharmacy offer BOGO specials on giftable items? Take this opportunity to buy one for yourself and one to give away, or tuck them both for future giving. Either way, you’ll be taking advantage of sale prices and building up your stash.  Lotions, nail polish, candles and candies are often great items to grab on a BOGO sale, but watch expiration dates carefully.

Support the Cause

When you’re called upon to buy from a fundraiser catalog, intentionally pick something that would be great for a gift. You’ll be able to contribute to a cause you support, and you’ll know that the item you’ve purchased is something that a friend or family member will love to get at a future gift-giving occasion.  This may not be discounted, but it’s a dual purpose way to give gifts and give back.  That’s a win-win for anyone!

Scope out the Dollar Store

Dollar stores can be hit or miss for quality, but most carry limited quantities of close-out name brand items. They are also a great place to find the little filler items for gift-giving, especially kid gifts. Look for coloring books and markers, hardcovers in fiction or nonfiction, nice pens, coffee mugs, candle holders, and candy.  They are great for grabbing small bins, baskets and gift bags to keep on hand for building your gift bags for friends and family.

Don’t Be Afraid to Regift

Regifting is a tricky subject, but if you are careful it can be a great way to add to your gift stash. Don’t regift anything that is easily identifiable, handmade, or should have sentimental value – that’s a quick way to offend someone you love. But generic gifts that don’t suit your fancy from office parties or colleagues are perfect for repurposing into a new gift for someone who will truly enjoy it.

Stock Up Year Round

One surefire way to avoid a headache-inducing Christmas shopping list is to stock up year round. This is one of the best ways to save on a gift closet or gift stash.  Simply adding a small amount into your weekly or monthly budget will go a long way.  Budget a set amount for gift giving each month, and then be intentional in looking for sales on items that would make great gifts. Keep a log of all of the people you regularly purchase gifts for and make notes of what you’ve bought and what you still need to get. Do the same for birthdays and other holidays. You’ll spread out the cost of gift-giving, and you’ll be able to snap up great deals when you find them.

Using these ways to save on a gift closet or gift stash will help you to be able to save money by building your own gift stash in a limited budget. You’ll also be able to avoid those pricey unexpected shopping trips to pick up the last minute presents for classmate birthdays or housewarming parties. There’s really no downside to creating your own mini gift store that you can shop from any time the need arises!


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