Save Money By Replacing the Battery in Your Key Fob for FREE

I was floored the other day when I saw a sign for Key Fob Battery Replacements for $9.99. I didn’t even know that was a thing – we have always replaced ours ourselves. If you didn’t know you could do that, you can and it is super easy. Replacement batteries run $5.99 for 10 so you can replace them MANY times on one set!

You will need to find out which one you have so you can get replacements the first time. To do that…

Remove the Key – if there is one. There is usually a little push button that will release it. The key should come out pretty easy.

Find the notch to open the back. Use a small screwdriver to pop it open. A metal nail file will work too.

Look closely at the battery inside and look for markings on it that will reveal what model the battery is. Buy a brand-new battery of the same kind. There are two main versions the CR 2025 and the CR 3032. There are others but these are the most common.

The old battery should come out with ease if you pop it out with your finger. The new battery slides right in where the old one was. Snap the fob shut. Then put the key back in!

Keep the extras for next time!

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