You really don’t need much to bring a little human in this world. Realistically you only need a few items like a crib. The trick is having a few necessary items on hand can make raising a baby a whole lot easier.
We put together Ultimate List of New Baby Registry Ideas to help you figure out what to register for. Items in bold are what we considered “Must Have”, all others are just things that make it easier. Never hurts to put everything on your registry, you never know what you will get!
Grab our printable Baby Registry Checklist!
Baby clothes for New Baby
It doesn’t get much cuter than tiny baby clothes. While they are extremely cute, babies grow quick which means they grow out of them quick. Here’s some suggestions on the amounts to get…
- 4-8 undershirts or onesies (get more long sleeve if you are in cold area, short sleeve if hotter)
- 4-8 nightgowns (for use until the cord falls off)
- 4-8 one-piece stretchy sleepers (go for ones with zippers; new moms swear by them!)
- 8 pairs of socks or booties, to wear with nightgowns and outfits
- No-scratch mittens
- 2 cardigans or jackets, more in winter
- Bunting bag or fleece suit for a winter baby
- 1-3 hats (broad-brimmed for a summer baby, soft cap that covers ears for a winter baby)
- 4 outfits for going out
You only need a few for each time frame – 6M, 9M, 2T, etc. but you want to get enough for a week. You don’t want to be doing laundry every few days.
Nursery Needs for New Baby
A baby’s room calls for adorable decor for sure, but you’ll also need furniture that will make infant care all the easier (and safer). Here are the baby essentials for any nursery:
- Crib, cradle or bassinet
- Firm, flat mattress that fit snugly in crib (less than two fingers should fit between mattress and crib)
- Rocking or arm chair
- Baby monitor
- Nightlight
- Rattles and other baby toys
- Mobiles– we love Tiny Love mobiles!
- Dresser
- Changing table (dresser changing table combos are great!)
- Toy basket
- Baby bedding
- 1-3 washable crib mattress pads
- 2-4 fitted crib sheets
- 4-6 soft, light receiving blankets
- 1-2 heavier blankets (for colder climates)
- Plastic hangers for closet
- Diaper pail and liners
Diapers for New Baby
Don’t be scared of changing diapers, pretty soon you will be an expert. Whether you are using disposable diapers or cloth diapers you will need some tools to make it easy. Check out the newborn checklist for diaper supplies:
- 6-10 dozen cloth diapers and 6-8 diaper covers
or 2-3 large boxes of disposable newborn-size diapers - Diaper bag
- Diaper cream
- Unscented baby wipes (causes less irritation)
- Soft washcloths
Don’t buy too many diapers at once. They grow quickly and outgrow sizes fast!
Needs for Feeding New Baby
Some nursing mothers like to have these items:
- Burp cloths
- Breast pump
- Milk storage containers
- Nursing pillow
- Nursing bras (if buying before baby is born, buy one cup size larger than your pregnant bra size)
- Breast pads (disposable or washable)
- Lotion for sore nipples
If you are formula feeding:
- Bibs with plastic back
- Burp cloths
- 8 four-ounce bottles with nipples
- 6 eight-ounce bottles with nipples
- Bottle and nipple brush
- Formula (be sure to check expiry date and note the lot number in case of recalls)
- Thermal bottle carrier
Bathing New Baby
- 1 plastic infant tub (or use a large dishpan in the sink, or take baby in the bath with you)
- Baby soap or cleanser
- Baby soft-bristled hair brush
- 3 soft-hooded towels
Other Needs for New Baby
- Infant or convertible car seat
- Baby swing or bouncer
- High chair
- Stroller that reclines so newborn can lie flat
- Nail clippers or scissors (or just bite off baby’s nails as needed)
- Bulb syringe for suctioning mucous
- Baby thermometer
- Eye dropper or medicine spoon
- Medication in case of fever
- First Aid Kit
- Petroleum jelly and sterile gauze (for circumcision care)
Other Nice Items for a New Baby
- Playpen
- Sling or baby carrier
- Sun shade for car windows
- 2 or 4 pacifiers (if you choose to use these)
Also make sure to grab these FREE Baby Boxes too:
Amazon Free Baby Welcome Box
Walmart Free Baby Box